Backup line successfully commissioned

The backup power line in Heffen has been commissioned. Extreme weather on 9 July 2024 toppled nine high-voltage pylons over a distance of four kilometres, leaving only one high-voltage line supplying power to Mechelen. Elia lost no time in building a backup line, and the five backup pylons have now been erected and connected to the existing high-voltage grid. 


New line built at lightning speed by specialist teams

Thanks to good engineering practice and strong teamwork, five backup pylons were erected in Mechelen in record time. The pylons were built, tested and commissioned between 24 July and 9 August, with all of the approximately 45-metre pylons erected by the end of July. Then the pulling of the electric wires (conductors) between the pylons began. Protective wooden frames were installed here to ensure that assembly could take place in complete safety. The backup line consists of four conductors: three electric wires and one earth wire (lightning rod). 

Permanent restoration of original connection

Now that the construction of the backup line is complete, we are moving on to a new phase: the permanent restoration of the original connection. The first few months will be spent, among other things, studying the foundations of the fallen pylons, after which we will start consulting with all the stakeholders.

Top-notch teamwork

Elia has specialist teams trained to deal with incidents like this, and thanks to smooth cooperation the backup line was erected very quickly. An aftermovie has now been produced in which some of the staff involved look back at this team effort.

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