Phase 7: start laying underground high-voltage cables in Olen

Starting on Monday 10 January 2022, Elia will be laying underground high-voltage cables (150kV) in the Bankloopstraat, Kerkstraat and Watertorenstraat in Olen. The traffic situation will change during the works. The works will take approximately 2 months

Laying of underground high-voltage cables as of 10 January

Elia will continue laying underground high-voltage cables between Herentals and Geel. This cable connection is needed to reinforce the electricity grid in your area. Phase 7 of the works will start with the installation of the high-voltage cables in Bankloopstraat, Kerkstraat and Watertorenstraat in Olen.

Changed traffic situations

During the phase 7 works, traffic situations will change in a number of places:

  • The works will take half of the carriageway in Bankloopstraat up, on the side with an even house number. Driveways and houses will remain accessible thanks to metal plates that will be placed over the trench.
  • The Lichtaartseweg will remain fully accessible to traffic. The contractor is carrying out an underground directional drill between the junction with Bankloopstraat and the junction with the Kerkstraat. These works will have no impact on through traffic.
  • A number of parking spaces near the church will be temporarily unavailable. A drill will be placed at this location. Pedestrians and bicycles will be safely guided around this drill.
  • Temporary traffic lights at the intersection Kerkstraat and Lichtaartseweg allow traffic to continue in both directions. This situation is in effect over a length of approximately 40 metres.
  • The Kerkstraat will be completely closed. Through traffic follows a diversion via the Kasteelstraat.
  • In the Kasteelstraat and Watertorenstraat only traffic heading towards Umicore will be allowed. Through traffic heading towards Sint-Jozef-Olen will be diverted via Gestelstraat and Gerheiden.
  • In the Koperstraat, Radiumstraat and Zandstraat only local traffic is possible.

Minimising disruption

Works always entail some disruption, which Elia and its contractor are making every effort to minimise. 

  • All homes, businesses and farmland will remain accessible at all times. Owners will be informed of any exceptions to these arrangements. 
  • Work will only be carried out during the day, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. at the latest. 
  • Site vehicle traffic in the street will be limited. 
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