First water-permeable road in Flanders runs above Elia cables

Elia has laid new 36-kV underground electricity cables in Vossenberg and Rijckeveldestraat in Damme (phase 7) as part of the Brugge-Sijsele project. Intermunicipal company Farys then handled the disconnection from the sewer system.

Together with the city of Damme, the decision was taken to carry out all the associated tasks in one go, one after the other. Afterwards, a road surface was created using water-permeable concrete pavers. This is a unique project in Flanders. This kind of sustainable road construction is often used for driveways and parking spaces, but has never been used for a public road – until now. 

The use of permeable concrete pavers ensures better rainwater drainage and buffering and is good for the roots of the stately beech trees that line the roads. This approach proves that through close collaboration with various stakeholders, Elia's infrastructure can be optimally integrated into the environment. Compared to a traditional road surface, there are no additional costs associated with this water-permeable road. 

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