Preview of the schedule for 2021
This work is being carried out in nine phases to limit the duration and the impact on the surrounding area. Four phases were completed in 2020. The project schedule for 2021 has been updated because of the impact of the anti-coronavirus measures. The worksites will remain the same, but the phases have changed slightly.
Schedule for phase 3: Maalse Steenweg (N9)
Laying of conduits completed in 2020
In recent months, Elia carried out directional drilling on Maalse Steenweg (N9) under the intersections with Doornhut and Engelendalelaan, which are critical for accessibility and traffic flow. This means that traffic from Maalse Steenweg can continue using these intersections during phase 3 of the work, so while electricity cables are being laid in the middle lane. This is crucial for accessibility and traffic flow.
Laying of electricity cables under central reservation from early January 2021
From early January to late March 2021 Elia will continue its work on Maalse Steenweg (N9). This work will take place between Maalse Steenweg 267 and 337. At the start of the work, an open trench will be excavated in the road's central reservation. Once the trench has been excavated along the entire length of the worksite zone, Elia will lay the underground cables. Then the trench will be refilled and the central reservation will be restored to its original state. Homes and businesses will remain accessible at all times during this work. However, the number of exit lanes and turning points on the Maalse Steenweg (N9) will be reduced.
Schedule for phase 7: Vossenberg-Zwinstraat
Laying of electricity cables between Vossenberg and Zwinstraat from early January 2021
From early January to late April 2021, Elia will lay new underground electricity cables in Vossenberg, Rijckeveldestraat and Zwinstraat. At the start of the work, an open trench will be excavated in the road surface. Once the trench has been excavated along the entire length of the worksite zone, Elia will lay the underground cables. Then the trench will be refilled and the road surface will be restored to its original state.
Temporary change in traffic rules
During the work, through traffic between Zwinstraat and Bruggesteenweg or Maalse Steenweg (N9) will be diverted in both directions via Kerkweg. Local access will be maintained in the worksite zone in Vossenberg, Rijckeveldestraat and Zwinstraat. Homes and businesses will remain accessible at all times.