Underground cable enters service
In 2019 and 2020 Elia laid a new underground cable between Malderen, Tisselt and Mechelen. This is necessary to continue ensuring security of supply in the area. The new underground cables have now entered service, but the project is not yet completed. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the work needed to restore the road surface of Beekstraat in Willebroek will be postponed until spring 2021.
New underground electricity cables enter service
In late 2020, Elia laid a new 150-kV underground cable between the Malderen, Tisselt and Mechelen high-voltage substations, the result of two years of work in the towns of Londerzeel, Willebroek, Puurs-Sint-Amands, Kapellen-op-den-Bos and Mechelen. The new underground cables will in the future replace two overhead power lines (70kV) in the region, with security of supply ensured thanks to the increased voltage level of 150kV.
Final restoration of Beekstraat road surface postponed until spring 2021
While completing installation of the cable, peat layers were found in the subsoil of Beekstraat in Willebroek. Peat layers are a natural phenomenon involving the accumulation of dead plant material. As a result, the work to restore the road surface of Beekstaat must be done in a certain way, which will take more time. Taking into account the unfavourable weather conditions and the coming winter, the municipality of Willebroek, Elia and the contractor decided to postpone repair work on the road surface until the spring of 2021. In the meantime, the contractor will fill in the trench and cover it with a temporary road surface. This will allow traffic in Beekstraat to continue normally during the winter period.