Preliminary Information Meeting on Tuesday 18 June

On Tuesday 18 June, Elia is organising a public Preliminary Information Meeting (RIP), prior to submission of a permit application for reinforcement of the 380kV Lonny-Achêne-Gramme overhead line connecting the Gramme substation (Huy - Province of Liège) to the Lonny substation (France), via the Achêne substation (Ciney - Province of Namur). The permit application only concerns the section located on Belgian territory.

The towns and municipalities affected by the project are: Huy, Modave, Tinlot, Marchin, Ohey, Havelange, Hamois, Ciney, Houyet, Dinant (overhang only), Beauraing and Gedinne.

The purpose of this meeting is:

  •  To allow Elia to present its project;
  • To enable members of the public to obtain information and make observations and suggestions relating to the project;
  • To highlight specific points that could be addressed in the environmental impact assessment;
  • To present technical alternatives that could reasonably be considered by the applicant, so that they can be taken into account when carrying out the environmental impact assessment.

The project team would therefore like to invite you to the Preliminary Information Meeting (PIM) at 7:00pm on Tuesday 18 June, 2024, at the Salle des Trois Moulins - Rue de Dinant 148 - 5570 Beauraing.

If you would like to attend, please register beforehand using the following link

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