Agenda Werkgroep Grid
Raadpleeg hier de agenda van de vergaderingen van de Werkgroep Grid, de punten die er zullen worden besproken en de verslagen van vorige vergaderingen.
Agenda 19 februari 2025
European Market:
- Core IDCC_C first results of EXT // run
- CREG incentive: ID ATC design
- Core LTCC: way forward
- 30' Gate Closure Time: update
- Status of discussions on cooptimisation and relaxation of deadline in case of decoupling
- Workshop on EU Congestion Management toolkit
System Service Design:
- CREG incentive: CRI monitoring
- iCAROS: feedback on the informal consultation T&C SA - REX iCAROS phase 1 & release 1 iCAROS phase 2 + Design clarification: simultaneous signal of Return to Schedule (RTS and FCR in opposite direction)
- GUFlex: status project and way forward
- MVAr: status project and way forward
- NCC Annual Report 2024
- Solar Eclipse dd. 29/03/2025