Plenary meeting
At plenary meetings, the working groups report back to Elia and Elia shares information about more strategic issues.
What happens at plenary meetings?
- they report back about the working groups’ activities;
- Elia shares information about more strategic issues that are not discussed at working group meetings.
- Chairman: James Matthys-Donnadieu
- Secretary: Jessie Moelans
At plenary meetings, the members of the Users’ Group may determine positions on energy policy and the latest trends or developments in the electricity sector. Their recommendations are then passed on to the relevant minister(s), authorities and/or regulator(s).
Below you will find the Users’ Group’s latest official positions on specific issues relating to the way the electricity market works.
Recommendations for “Flex Readiness” for E-Assets
Recommendations for submetering requirements for flexibility
Aanbeveling van de Elia Users Group (in Dutch)
Recommandation du Users’ Group d'Elia (in French)
Point de vue du Elia Users’ Group (in French)
Standpunt van de Elia Users’ Group (in Dutch)
Standpunt van de Elia Users’ Group betreffende het invoeren van een mechanisme van “scarcity pricing” voor de Belgische elektriciteitsmarkt (in Dutch)
Point de vue du Users’ Group d’Elia concernant l’introduction d’un mécanisme de « scarcity pricing » pour le marché belge de l’électricité (in French)