Information and tools for suppliers
Elia does everything it can to facilitate the purchasing and invoicing procedure and keep its suppliers properly informed.
General and Specific Conditions
Purchasing conditions
Below you can find our purchasing conditions. Elia Group will buy some specific activities at Group level, whilst others will remain local.
Which purchasing conditions apply for you as a supplier, is determined by contractual agreement. This page simply serves the aim of acquainting you with an overview of our purchasing conditions.
For any questions regarding our purchasing conditions, please get in touch with your usual contact within the Purchasing Department.
Which Purchasing Conditions apply for you as a Supplier, is determined by contractual agreement. Generally, different purchasing conditions apply according to the following criteria:
- Sourcing category
The type of supplies, services or works delivered
- Value of the purchase
If the contract/PO's value remains below €100K, Elia reserves its right to apply short version of General Purchasing Conditions (GPC) and Specific Purchasing Conditions (SPC). - Date of your contract/PO
Sourcing categories IT, Works, Electrical Equipment, and Services
For purchases from each of the sourcing categories, IT, Works, and Electrical Equipment (PO value ≥ €100k), we have developed tailored versions of the purchasing conditions. For smaller purchases (PO value < €100k) from these sourcing categories, we have developed a Short version of our purchasing conditions.
Depending on the type of purchases ordered by the Services department, the buyer may choose whether purchasing conditions (and if so, which set) shall apply or a stand-alone contract is to be concluded.

* Unless indicated otherwise, this language version prevails in case of discrepancies between the language versions. For the Short version, the prevailing national language version is indicated on the PO/Contract. See clause 1 of the relevant GPC.
Sourcing categories Ancillary Services & Grid Losses, Strategic Reserves, External Parties (Contracting), External Parties Freelance (Contracting)
For Ancillary Services & Grid Losses, Strategic Reserves, External Parties (Freelance) (Contracting) the following purchasing conditions apply.
Strategic reserves | General purchasing terms and conditions - Strategic reserves v 06/06/2014 | EN | NL | FR |
Ancillary grid services | General purchasing terms and conditions - Ancillary grid services v 13/05/2013 | EN | NL | FR |
External parties (contracting) | General purchasing terms and conditions - External parties (contracting) v 16/07/2019 | EN | NL | FR |
External parties freelance (contracting) | General purchasing terms and conditions - External parties freelance (contracting) v 16/07/2019 | EN | NL | FR |
Previous Purchasing conditions

Ariba Network
E-Sourcing (Ariba)
E-Sourcing is used by Elia as a facilitator in our sourcing process. More in particular, Elia will use an E-Sourcing platform to organize sourcing events such as Requests For Information or Requests For Proposal. The E-Sourcing tool gives vendors an opportunity to bid and compete fairly for Elia business.